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Xbox Game Bar

3 reviews
146.4 k downloads

The best Windows tool for gamers

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Xbox Game Bar is a tool integrated into Windows 10 for users to customize instant access to different screen capture and sharing widgets and other gaming add-ons.

To activate the functionality of Xbox Game Bar the user simply has to press the Windows button + G on the keyboard and the program will start working. If the PC has an Xbox 360 or Xbox One controller connected, just press the Xbox button to activate the tool. Among the functionalities that the user can find in Xbox Game Bar are the following: taking screenshots or recordings, finding friends within the Xbox social group, viewing the system configuration and its operation when a video game is launched, as well as configuring various widgets integrated in the operating system.

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The use of Xbox Game Bar is heavily focused on a user profile that is a fan of video games along with the retransmission of the same through different streaming platforms such as Twitch. This tool greatly speeds up the performance of the users' gaming experience without having to close the video game they are playing, since they only have to press the button to be able to utilize these functions that improve the user's experience when enjoying the video game.

This tool is free and can be downloaded from Uptodown.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Information about Xbox Game Bar 7.124.7102.0

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Utilities
Language English
Author Microsoft Corporation
Downloads 146,433
Date Jul 22, 2024
Content Rating All ages
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

appxb 7.124.5142.0 May 20, 2024
appxb 7.124.5081.0 May 14, 2024
appxb 7.124.3191.0 Mar 25, 2024
appxb 7.124.2141.0 Feb 19, 2024
appxb 6.124.1221.0 Jan 29, 2024
appxb 6.123.11012.0 Nov 13, 2023

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3 reviews


massivegoldensheep9596 icon
3 weeks ago

Good 👍👍👍😊

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